Health Care and Human Services for All

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven the vulnerability and frailty of the human body and mind. Our physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being have experienced unusual stress and trauma while dealing with an unknown virus, isolation, and uncertainty.

In our modern world, health care and human services should be a basic human right.

Stress and trauma from life situations — poverty, gentrification, racism, inflation, and job loss — are wreaking havoc for some of our friends and neighbors. We need, and I support, further investment in our public health care system, and I am a proponent of health care for all.

In the NC House, I will focus on coordinating with our county and municipal governments to prevent evictions, assist elderly households in need, and end homelessness. My aim is to ensure that our women, men, and children in Caswell and Orange counties have the fundamental health and human services they need to thrive and be well.